Dive into Django template engine
This is an excerpt from Django documentation Writing custom template tags
Above, this document explained that the template system works in a two-step process: compiling and rendering. To define a custom template tag, you specify how the compilation works and how the rendering works.
When Django compiles a template, it splits the raw template text into ‘’nodes’‘. Each node is an instance of django.template.Node and has a render() method. A compiled template is, simply, a list of Node objects. When you call render() on a compiled template object, the template calls render() on each Node in its node list, with the given context. The results are all concatenated together to form the output of the template.
Thus, to define a custom template tag, you specify how the raw template tag is converted into a Node (the compilation function), and what the node’s render() method does.
The above is the explanation from django docs about how django template works and how to write a custom template tag. Honestly the first time I skimmed through this piece I didn’t quite get it. and I just skipped it. While django provides decorators like simple_tag, inlucsion_tag which ease the process of writing templatetags. I found no difficulty in using templatetags. So it’s like a black box put away in the dungeon which I never bother to open up again.
But a few weeks ago when I was reading some templatetag code from a github repo. I found it hard to get what’s going on. I was baffled. And this was not the first time it happened. Also as a self-proclaimed djangonaut : D. I feel this is humiliating. I feel the need to open that box and release the black magic.
Let the code speak
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This class quite explains the two-step process: compling and rendering. Basically template is broken down into a list of Node objects after compling and then django will iterate through the node list and call render method on all Node objects and join the results. That’s the rendering.
As compared to rendering process, compling is a more complicated process, during which template strings are translated into meaningful Python code. There are also two steps in compiling. First Lexer would tear the template string apart into small pieces(Token objects) based on predefined tokens like “{{” “{%” for further processing.
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Parser then picks up those tokens and change them into corresponding Node objects.
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Let’s take a look at Parser class:
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See that filters and tags. when initializing the parser, both default and custom template filters and template tags are loaded. When calling the parse method parser iterates through tokens and calls proper handler from self.tags and self.filters depending on token type. Here is where template filter and tags fit themself in.
For example when a
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So this is what a template tag should look like. Accept parser and token and return a Node. And what a Node class has to do is to implement a render method.
For more details, check the code lives in django/template/base.py and recheck the docs. It should make more sense.
Not deep enough
Well. I just get this deep so far : ) If you want more there’s an interesting blogpost written by Armin Rocher, the author of Jinja2, explaining why django template is slow. Come on. Let’s dive in.